I Have Faith That I’ll Be OK… But Right Now, I’m Not Okay (And That’s okay)

Beautiful souls, today I’m coming to you with raw honesty and an open heart. 💕

You know those moments when everyone expects you to have it all together? When you’re supposed to be the strong one, the wise one, the one who always sees the silver lining? Well, I’m here to tell you something important: even as a mindset coach, even as someone who helps others find their light, sometimes I sit in the darkness, too.

And you know what? That’s perfectly okay. Right now, I’m in one of those seasons of life where things feel heavy. Where the path ahead seems foggy, and my heart feels tender. I could pretend everything is sunshine and rainbows, but that wouldn’t be authentic. That wouldn’t be real. And if there’s one thing I believe in deeply, it’s the power of being real with ourselves and others.

Here’s what I know for sure:

  • This moment is temporary
  • These feelings are valid
  • This struggle is part of my story
  • This pain is transforming me

Sometimes, the bravest thing we can do is admit when we’re not okay. Sitting with our emotions takes courage, to feel them fully, to acknowledge their presence without trying to rush through them or push them away.

I have absolute faith that I’ll be okay. Deep in my soul, I know this truth. But right now? Right now, I’m allowing myself to be exactly where I am. I’m giving myself permission to feel what I feel. I’m honoring this chapter of my journey, knowing it’s shaping me into someone even stronger, even more compassionate, and even more real. To anyone reading this who’s also in a “not okay” season:

  • You are not alone
  • Your feelings are valid
  • This, too, shall pass
  • You are stronger than you know

Sometimes, healing isn’t about forcing positivity or rushing to feel better. Sometimes healing is about being gentle with ourselves, about trusting the process, about having faith in our resilience while also honoring our current reality.

So today, I’m sitting with you in that space of “not okay,” holding space for both our pain and our potential. Because I believe that’s where true transformation begins – in those raw, real moments when we dare to be authentically human.

Remember, beautiful soul, you don’t have to have it all figured out. You don’t have to be okay right now. You just have to keep breathing, keep believing, and keep taking one tiny step forward when you can.

And if you need someone to walk beside you on this journey, to hold space for both your struggles and your strength, I’m here. Sometimes, the greatest act of self-love is reaching out when we need support.

With so much love and understanding, Sheena

✨ P.S. If you’re going through a challenging time and need support, I’m here to listen. Book a FREE discovery call through my booking page. Sometimes, sharing our “not okay” with someone who gets it can be the first step toward healing.

#MindsetCoach #AuthenticHealing #EmotionalHealth #ItsOkayNotToBeOkay #MentalHealthAwareness #SelfLove #Healing #Growth

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