1:1 Coaching


Coaching is not a one-time thing, you will see the biggest benefits from a coaching package. Since 2018 I have coached over 200 soul-searchers helping them discover gifts, strengths, their life’s purpose, and creating a plan of action to move them towards making their dreams a reality. Take my hand and let’s walk together on this journey of life. 

Duration: 60 MIN

With one-on-one coaching, I help you understand what you want from your future. I will coach you in making plans to achieve those goals. We work together, figuring out what you need and what might be holding you back. We narrow down exactly what you want to create in your life and work together using the law of attraction along with proven processes, to make those dreams a reality. For the best results, book more than one session. In the one-on-one sessions, we will go over everything that’s not working and turn it around to create a strategy so you can take control of your life. You already have the tools to make the necessary changes, but having a helping hand to guide you along the way can make all the difference! I’m so excited to walk beside you on your life journey!

Coaching is not a one-time thing, you will see the biggest benefits from a coaching package. We meet once a week, or if you prefer to spread it out, we can meet every two weeks. Once you pay for your sessions, you’ll receive an email with the link to book your appointments.

With each session you get detailed notes emailed to you, so you can focus on the call and not need to take notes. Sessions are held via Zoom, Skype, or over the phone. In-person sessions are only available by request. Now exclusively with the 6 months, and 1-year program, you now get access to 1 full month of EMAIL coaching for FREE. This is a $175 value.


Monthly Package (5 sessions), 6 Month Program, 1 Year Program

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